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GTD in Outlook with Microsoft To Do

In this post, we will see how to use GTD in Outlook.

Firs of all, let's define what GTD is. GTD stands for Getting Things Done, a productivity method created by David Allen. The GTD method is based on the idea that you should get things out of your head and into a trusted system, so you can focus on what you need to do.


The GTD method is not about doing more things faster. It's about doing the right things at the right time. This method needs to be aligned with your purpose, objectives, and goals, so you can focus on what really matters to you.

The GTD workflow

The GTD workflow consists of five steps:

  1. Capture: Collect everything that has your attention.
  2. Clarify: Process what you've captured.
  3. Organize: Put everything in its place.
  4. Reflect: Review your system regularly.
  5. Engage: Choose what to do and do it.

The detailed flowchart of the GTD method is shown below:

graph TD;
    subgraph Capture    
    subgraph for_each_item_not_in_Inbox
    AA[Collect everything that has your attention in the Inbox];
    subgraph Clarify        
    subgraph for_each_item_in_Inbox
    BB[  What is this?
            What should I do?
            Is this really worth doing?
            How does it fit in with all the other things I have to do?
            Is there any action that needs to be done about it or because of it?]
    A --> BB
    subgraph Organize
    BB --> B{Is it actionable?}
    B -- no --> C{Is it reference material?}
    C -- yes --> D[Archive]
    C -- no --> E{Is it trash?}
    E -- yes --> FF[Trash it]
    E -- no --> GG[Incubate it]
    GG --> HH[Review it weekly]
    B -- yes --> F{Can it be done in one step?}
    F -- no --> G[Project]
    G --> HHH[Define a next action at least]
    HHH --> H[Project Actions]    
    subgraph Engage
    H --> I
    F -- yes --> I{Does it take more than 2 minutes?}
    I -- no --> J[DO IT]
    I -- yes --> K{Is it my responsibility?}
    K -- no --> L[Delegate]
    L --> M[Waiting For]    
    K -- yes --> N{Does it have a specific date?}
    N -- yes --> O[Add to Calendar]
    N -- no --> P[Next Actions]
    O --> Q[Schedule. Do it at a specific time]
    P --> R[Do it as soon as possible]
graph TD;
subgraph Reflect
    S[**Daily Review**
            - Review your tasks daily
            - Calendar
            - Next  actions
            - Urgent tasks]
    T[**Weekly Review**
            - Review your projects weekly, make sure you're making progress
            - Next actions
            - Waiting for
            - Someday/Maybe
            - Calendar]
    U[**Monthly Review**
            - Focus on your goals
            - Reference archive
            - Someday/Maybe
            - Completed projects]
    V[**Review your purpose annually**
            - Goals and purposes
            - Big projects
            - Historical archive]

It's important to note that the GTD method is not a one-size-fits-all solution. You can adapt it to your needs and preferences. The key is to find a system that works for you and stick to it.

And now, let's see how to use GTD in Outlook and Microsoft To Do.

How to use GTD in Outlook with Microsoft To Do

When it comes to implementing the GTD method in Outlook, the key is to use the right tools and techniques. Microsoft To Do is a great tool for managing your tasks and projects, and it integrates seamlessly with Outlook.

You can use Outlook to implement the GTD method by following these steps:

  1. Capture:
    • emails: Use the Inbox to collect everything that has your attention.
    • Other Things: Use Microsoft To Do Taks default list to capture tasks and projects.
  2. Clarify: Process what you've captured by asking yourself the following questions:
    • What is this?
    • What should I do?
    • Is this really worth doing?
    • How does it fit in with all the other things I have to do?
    • Is there any action that needs to be done about it or because of it?
  3. Organize: Put everything in its place by following these steps:
    • Inbox:
      • Move emails to the appropriate folder or delete them.
      • Categories: Use categories to organize your emails by context and folder to organize your emails by project or client.
      • Use search folders to find emails quickly by category or categories, you can clear categories after processing.
      • Flags emails to add to To Do.
      • Create rules to automate repetitive tasks when clarifying one type of email has allways the same action.
    • Tasks: Organize your tasks and projects in Microsoft To Do.
      • Lists: Create lists for different types of tasks, one by context or use #tags for that in one lists. For example:
        • In the case of lists: Agendas, Anywhere, Calls, Computed, Errands, Home, Office, Waiting For, Someday/Maybe.
        • In the case of tags, one list with: #Agendas, #Anywhere, #Calls, #Computed, #Errands, #Home, #Office, #WaitingFor, #SomedayMaybe.
      • Use tag #nextaction to identify the next task to do.
      • Use tag #urgent to identify urgent tasks.
    • Projects
      • Group Lists: Group lists by category of projects or client.
      • One list per project: Create a list for each project and add tasks to it.
      • Use #nextaction tag to identify the next task in each project.
    • Reference Material:
      • Store reference material in folders, better in OneDrive or SharePoint.
      • Use a folder structure to organize your reference material
      • Use search folders to find it quickly.
      • Use tags to identify the context of the reference material. You can use FileMeta to add tags to files in Windows for non-taggeable files.
  4. Reflect: Review your system regularly to make sure it's up to date.
    • Daily Review
    • Weekly Review
    • Monthly Review
    • Annual Review
  5. Engage: Choose what to do and do it.
    • Use the My Day Bar to see your tasks and events at a glance or in search bar type #nextaction to see all your next actions.

These are just some ideas to get you started. You can adapt the GTD method to your needs and preferences. The key is to find a system that works for you and stick to it.

My example of GTD in Outlook with Microsoft To Do:


alt text

To Do:

alt text

I'm using a mix of lists and tags with the same name to organize my tasks and projects. I have lists for different types of tasks, such as Agendas, Anywhere, Calls, Computed, Errands, Home, Office, Waiting For, and Someday/Maybe. I also use tags to identify the next action, urgent tasks and context of the task in projects.

In the case of emails, I use categories to organize them by context and folders to organize them by project or client. I also use search folders to find emails quickly by category or categories and filter by unreads. The reason for this is that I can clear categories after processing and in the mayorie of cases, I only need a quick review of the emails without the need to convert them into tasks.

By following these steps, you can implement the GTD method in Outlook and Microsoft To Do and improve your productivity and focus.

Good luck! 馃崁


How to sign Git commits in Visual Studio Code in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

In this post, we will see how to sign Git commits in Visual Studio Code.


  • Visual Studio Code
  • Git
  • gpg
  • gpg-agent
  • gpgconf
  • pinentry-gtk-2
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with Ubuntu 20.04


1. Install GPG

First, you need to install GPG ans agents. You can do this by running the following command:

sudo apt install gpg gpg-agent gpgconf pinentry-gtk2 -y

2. Generate a GPG key

To generate a GPG key, run the following command:

gpg --full-generate-key

You will be asked to enter your name, email, and passphrase. After that, the key will be generated.

3. List your GPG keys

To list your GPG keys, run the following command:

gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

You will see a list of your GPG keys. Copy the key ID of the key you want to use.

4. Configure Git to use your GPG key

To configure Git to use your GPG key, run the following command:

git config --global user.signingkey YOUR_KEY_ID

Replace YOUR_KEY_ID with the key ID you copied in the previous step.

5. Configure Git to sign commits by default

To configure Git to sign commits by default, run the following command:

git config --global commit.gpgsign true
git config --global gpg.program (which gpg)

6. EXport the GPG key

To export the GPG key, run the following command:

gpg --armor --export YOUR_KEY_ID

Replace YOUR_KEY_ID with the key ID you copied in the previous step.

7. Import to github

Go to your github account and add the exported GPG key in GPG keys section, create a new GPG key and paste the exported key.

Configure Visual Studio Code to use GPG

1. Configure gpg-agent

To configure gpg-agent, run the following command:

echo "default-cache-ttl" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
echo "pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk-2" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
echo "allow-preset-passphrase" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf

2. Restart the gpg-agent

To restart the gpg-agent, run the following command:

gpgconf --kill gpg-agent
gpgconf --launch gpg-agent

3. Sign a commit

To sign a commit, run the following command:

git commit -S -m "Your commit message"

4. Verify the signature

To verify the signature of a commit, run the following command:

git verify-commit HEAD

5. Configure Visual Studio Code to use GPG

To configure Visual Studio Code to use GPG, open the settings by pressing Ctrl + , and search for git.enableCommitSigning. Set the value to true.

6. Sign a commit

Make a commit in Visual Studio Code, and you will see a prompt asking you introduce your GPG passphrase. Enter your passphrase, and the commit will be signed.

That's it! Now you know how to sign Git commits in Visual Studio Code.

Some tips

For all repositories

  • Establish your email in git configuration:
git config --global ""
  • Establish your name in git configuration:
git config --global "Petete"
  • Establish your GPG key in git configuration:
git config --global user.signingkey YOUR_KEY_ID
  • Establish your GPG program in git configuration:
git config --global gpg.program (which gpg)

For a specific repository

  • Establish your email in git configuration:
git config ""
  • Establish your name in git configuration:
git config "Petete"
  • Establish your GPG key in git configuration:
git config user.signingkey YOUR_KEY_ID
  • Establish your GPG program in git configuration:
git config gpg.program (which gpg)


In this post, we saw how to sign Git commits in Visual Studio Code. This is useful if you want to verify the authenticity of your commits. I hope you found this post helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. Thank you for reading!

Ejecutar Terraform con archivos de variables

En ocasiones, cuando trabajamos con Terraform, necesitamos gestionar m煤ltiples archivos de variables para diferentes entornos o configuraciones. En este post, os muestro c贸mo ejecutar Terraform con archivos de variables de forma sencilla.

Terraform y archivos de variables

Terraform permite cargar variables desde archivos .tfvars mediante la opci贸n --var-file. Por ejemplo, si tenemos un archivo con la siguiente definici贸n:

variable "region" {
  type    = string
  default = "westeurope"

variable "resource_group_name" {
  type = string

Podemos crear un archivo variables.tfvars con los valores de las variables:

region = "westeurope"
resource_group_name = "my-rg"

Y ejecutar Terraform con el archivo de variables:

terraform plan --var-file variables.tfvars

Ejecutar Terraform con m煤ltiples archivos de variables

Si tenemos m煤ltiples archivos de variables, podemos ejecutar Terraform con todos ellos de forma sencilla. Para ello, podemos crear un script que busque los archivos .tfvars en un directorio y ejecute Terraform con ellos.

El problema de ejecutar Terraform con m煤ltiples archivos de variables es que la opci贸n --var-file no admite un array de archivos. Por lo tanto, necesitamos construir el comando de Terraform con todos los archivos de variables, lo cual puede ser un poco tedioso.

A continuaci贸n, os muestro un ejemplo de c贸mo crear una funci贸n en Bash/pwsh que ejecuta Terraform con archivos de variables:

  function terraform_with_var_files() {
  if [[ "$1" == "--help" || "$1" == "-h" ]]; then
    echo "Usage: terraform_with_var_files [OPTIONS]"
    echo "Options:"
    echo "  --dir DIR                Specify the directory containing .tfvars files"
    echo "  --action ACTION          Specify the Terraform action (plan, apply, destroy, import)"
    echo "  --auto AUTO              Specify 'auto' for auto-approve (optional)"
    echo "  --resource_address ADDR  Specify the resource address for import action (optional)"
    echo "  --resource_id ID         Specify the resource ID for import action (optional)"
    echo "  --workspace WORKSPACE    Specify the Terraform workspace (default: default)"
    echo "  --help, -h               Show this help message"
    return 0

  local dir=""
  local action=""
  local auto=""
  local resource_address=""
  local resource_id=""
  local workspace="default"

  while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do
    case "$1" in
      --dir) dir="$2"; shift ;;
      --action) action="$2"; shift ;;
      --auto) auto="$2"; shift ;;
      --resource_address) resource_address="$2"; shift ;;
      --resource_id) resource_id="$2"; shift ;;
      --workspace) workspace="$2"; shift ;;
      *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; return 1 ;;

  if [[ ! -d "$dir" ]]; then
    echo "El directorio especificado no existe."
    return 1

  if [[ "$action" != "plan" && "$action" != "apply" && "$action" != "destroy" && "$action" != "import" ]]; then
    echo "Acci贸n no v谩lida. Usa 'plan', 'apply', 'destroy' o 'import'."
    return 1

  local var_files=()
  for file in "$dir"/*.tfvars; do
    if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then
      var_files+=("--var-file $file")

  if [[ ${#var_files[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "No se encontraron archivos .tfvars en el directorio especificado."
    return 1

  echo "Inicializando Terraform..."
  eval terraform init
  if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "La inicializaci贸n de Terraform fall贸."
    return 1

  echo "Seleccionando el workspace: $workspace"
  eval terraform workspace select "$workspace" || eval terraform workspace new "$workspace"
  if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "La selecci贸n del workspace fall贸."
    return 1

  echo "Validando la configuraci贸n de Terraform..."
  eval terraform validate
  if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "La validaci贸n de Terraform fall贸."
    return 1

  local command="terraform $action ${var_files[@]}"

  if [[ "$action" == "import" ]]; then
    if [[ -z "$resource_address" || -z "$resource_id" ]]; then
      echo "Para la acci贸n 'import', se deben proporcionar la direcci贸n del recurso y el ID del recurso."
      return 1
    command="terraform $action ${var_files[@]} $resource_address $resource_id"
  elif [[ "$auto" == "auto" && ( "$action" == "apply" || "$action" == "destroy" ) ]]; then
    command="$command -auto-approve"

  echo "Ejecutando: $command"
  eval "$command"

# Uso de la funci贸n
# terraform_with_var_files --dir "/ruta/al/directorio" --action "plan" --workspace "workspace"
# terraform_with_var_files --dir "/ruta/al/directorio" --action "apply" --auto "auto" --workspace "workspace"
# terraform_with_var_files --dir "/ruta/al/directorio" --action "destroy" --auto "auto" --workspace "workspace"
# terraform_with_var_files --dir "/ruta/al/directorio" --action "import" --resource_address "resource_address" --resource_id "resource_id" --workspace "workspace"
function Terraform-WithVarFiles {
    param (





        [string]$Workspace = "default",


    if ($Help) {
        Write-Output "Usage: Terraform-WithVarFiles [OPTIONS]"
        Write-Output "Options:"
        Write-Output "  -Dir DIR                Specify the directory containing .tfvars files"
        Write-Output "  -Action ACTION          Specify the Terraform action (plan, apply, destroy, import)"
        Write-Output "  -Auto AUTO              Specify 'auto' for auto-approve (optional)"
        Write-Output "  -ResourceAddress ADDR   Specify the resource address for import action (optional)"
        Write-Output "  -ResourceId ID          Specify the resource ID for import action (optional)"
        Write-Output "  -Workspace WORKSPACE    Specify the Terraform workspace (default: default)"
        Write-Output "  -Help                   Show this help message"

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Dir -PathType Container)) {
        Write-Error "The specified directory does not exist."

    if ($Action -notin @("plan", "apply", "destroy", "import")) {
        Write-Error "Invalid action. Use 'plan', 'apply', 'destroy', or 'import'."

    $varFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Dir -Filter *.tfvars | ForEach-Object { "--var-file $_.FullName" }

    if ($varFiles.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Error "No .tfvars files found in the specified directory."

    Write-Output "Initializing Terraform..."
    terraform init
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        Write-Error "Terraform initialization failed."

    Write-Output "Selecting the workspace: $Workspace"
    terraform workspace select -or-create $Workspace
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        Write-Error "Workspace selection failed."

    Write-Output "Validating Terraform configuration..."
    terraform validate
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        Write-Error "Terraform validation failed."

    $command = "terraform $Action $($varFiles -join ' ')"

    if ($Action -eq "import") {
        if (-not $ResourceAddress -or -not $ResourceId) {
            Write-Error "For 'import' action, both resource address and resource ID must be provided."
        $command = "$command $ResourceAddress $ResourceId"
    } elseif ($Auto -eq "auto" -and ($Action -eq "apply" -or $Action -eq "destroy")) {
        $command = "$command -auto-approve"

    Write-Output "Executing: $command"
    Invoke-Expression $command

# Usage examples:
# Terraform-WithVarFiles -Dir "/path/to/directory" -Action "plan" -Workspace "workspace"
# Terraform-WithVarFiles -Dir "/path/to/directory" -Action "apply" -Auto "auto" -Workspace "workspace"
# Terraform-WithVarFiles -Dir "/path/to/directory" -Action "destroy" -Auto "auto" -Workspace "workspace"
# Terraform-WithVarFiles -Dir "/path/to/directory" -Action "import" -ResourceAddress "resource_address" -ResourceId "resource_id" -Workspace "workspace"

Para cargar la funci贸n en tu terminal bash, copia y pega el script en tu archivo .bashrc, .zshrc o el que toque y recarga tu terminal.

Para cargar la funci贸n en tu terminal pwsh, sigue este art铆culo: Personalizaci贸n del entorno de shell

Espero que os sea de utilidad. 隆Saludos!