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markmap is a visualisation tool that allows you to create mindmaps from markdown files. It is based on the mermaid library and can be used to create a visual representation of a markdown file.

Installation in mkdocs

To install markmap in mkdocs, you need install the plugin using pip:

pip install mkdocs-markmap

Then, you need to add the following lines to your mkdocs.yml file:

  - markmap


To use markmap, you need to add the following code block to your markdown file:

# Root

## Branch 1

* Branchlet 1a
* Branchlet 1b

## Branch 2

* Branchlet 2a
* Branchlet 2b

And this will generate the following mindmap:

alt text

That is for the future, because in my mkdocs not work as expected:

# Root

## Branch 1

* Branchlet 1a
* Branchlet 1b

## Branch 2

* Branchlet 2a
* Branchlet 2b

Visual Studio Code Extension

There is also a Visual Studio Code extension that allows you to create mindmaps from markdown files. You can install it from the Visual Studio Code marketplace.

    Name: Markdown Preview Markmap Support
    Id: phoihos.markdown-markmap
    Description: Visualize Markdown as Mindmap (A.K.A Markmap) to VS Code's built-in markdown preview
    Version: 1.4.6
    Publisher: phoihos
    VS Marketplace Link:
VS Marketplace Link


I don't like too much this plugin because it not work as expected in my mkdocs but it's a good tool for documentation.
