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How to use Azue ARC-enabled servers with managed identity to access to Azure Storage Account

In this demo we will show how to use Azure ARC-enabled servers with managed identity to access to Azure Storage Account.


  • An Azure subscription. If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

Required permissions

You'll need the following Azure built-in roles for different aspects of managing connected machines:

  • To onboard machines, you must have the Azure Connected Machine Onboarding or Contributor role for the resource group where you're managing the servers.
  • To read, modify, and delete a machine, you must have the Azure Connected Machine Resource Administrator role for the resource group.
  • To select a resource group from the drop-down list when using the Generate script method, you'll also need the Reader role for that resource group (or another role that includes Reader access).

Register Azure resource providers

To use Azure Arc-enabled servers with managed identity, you need to register the following resource providers:

az account set --subscription "{Your Subscription Name}"
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.HybridCompute'
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.GuestConfiguration'
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.HybridConnectivity'
az provider register --namespace 'Microsoft.AzureArcData'


Microsoft.AzureArcData (if you plan to Arc-enable SQL Servers) Microsoft.Compute (for Azure Update Manager and automatic extension upgrades)

Networking requirements

The Azure Connected Machine agent for Linux and Windows communicates outbound securely to Azure Arc over TCP port 443. In this demo, we have use Azure Private Link.

Azure ARC-enabled enabled server

We use Use Azure Private Link to securely connect networks to Azure Arc-enabled servers to achieve this.

Some tips:

  • If you have any issue registerin de VM: generate a script to register a machine with Azure Arc following that instructions here

  • If you have an error that says "Path C:\ProgramData\AzureConnectedMachineAgent\Log\himds.log is busy. Retrying..." you can use the following command to resolve it if you know that you are doing:

 (get-wmiobject -class win32_product | where {$ -like "Azure *"}).uninstall() 
- Review /etc/hosts file and add the following entries:

$Env:PEname = "myprivatelink"
$Env:resourceGroup = "myResourceGroup"
$file = "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"

$gisfqdn = (az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group list --endpoint-name $Env:PEname --resource-group $Env:resourceGroup -o json --query '[0].privateDnsZoneConfigs[0].recordSets[0].fqdn' -o json).replace('.privatelink','').replace("`"","")
$gisIP = (az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group list --endpoint-name $Env:PEname --resource-group $Env:resourceGroup -o json --query [0].privateDnsZoneConfigs[0].recordSets[0].ipAddresses[0] -o json).replace("`"","")
$hisfqdn = (az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group list --endpoint-name $Env:PEname --resource-group $Env:resourceGroup -o json --query [0].privateDnsZoneConfigs[0].recordSets[1].fqdn -o json).replace('.privatelink','').replace("`"","")
$hisIP = (az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group list --endpoint-name $Env:PEname --resource-group $Env:resourceGroup -o json --query [0].privateDnsZoneConfigs[0].recordSets[1].ipAddresses[0] -o json).replace('.privatelink','').replace("`"","")
$agentfqdn = (az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group list --endpoint-name $Env:PEname --resource-group $Env:resourceGroup -o json --query [0].privateDnsZoneConfigs[1].recordSets[0].fqdn -o json).replace('.privatelink','').replace("`"","")
$agentIp = (az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group list --endpoint-name $Env:PEname --resource-group $Env:resourceGroup -o json --query [0].privateDnsZoneConfigs[1].recordSets[0].ipAddresses[0] -o json).replace('.privatelink','').replace("`"","")
$gasfqdn = (az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group list --endpoint-name $Env:PEname --resource-group $Env:resourceGroup -o json --query [0].privateDnsZoneConfigs[1].recordSets[1].fqdn -o json).replace('.privatelink','').replace("`"","")
$gasIp = (az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group list --endpoint-name $Env:PEname --resource-group $Env:resourceGroup -o json --query [0].privateDnsZoneConfigs[1].recordSets[1].ipAddresses[0] -o json).replace('.privatelink','').replace("`"","")
$dpfqdn = (az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group list --endpoint-name $Env:PEname --resource-group $Env:resourceGroup -o json --query [0].privateDnsZoneConfigs[2].recordSets[0].fqdn -o json).replace('.privatelink','').replace("`"","")
$dpIp = (az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group list --endpoint-name $Env:PEname --resource-group $Env:resourceGroup -o json --query [0].privateDnsZoneConfigs[2].recordSets[0].ipAddresses[0] -o json).replace('.privatelink','').replace("`"","")

$hostfile += "$gisIP $gisfqdn"
$hostfile += "$hisIP $hisfqdn"
$hostfile += "$agentIP $agentfqdn"
$hostfile += "$gasIP $gasfqdn"
$hostfile += "$dpIP $dpfqdn"

Storage Account configuration

Create a Storage Account with static website enabled

$resourceGroup = "myResourceGroup"
$location = "eastus"
$storageAccount = "mystorageaccount"
$indexDocument = "index.html"
az group create --name $resourceGroup --location $location
az storage account create --name $storageAccount --resource-group $resourceGroup --location $location --sku Standard_LRS
az storage blob service-properties update --account-name $storageAccount --static-website --index-document $indexDocument

Add private endpoints to the storage accoun for blob and static website

$resourceGroup = "myResourceGroup"
$storageAccount = "mystorageaccount"
$privateEndpointName = "myprivatelink"
$location = "eastus"
$vnetName = "myVnet"
$subnetName = "mySubnet"
$subscriptionId = "{subscription-id}"
az network private-endpoint create --name $privateEndpointName --resource-group $resourceGroup --vnet-name $vnetName --subnet $subnetName --private-connection-resource-id "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$storageAccount" --group-id blob --connection-name $privateEndpointName --location $location
az network private-endpoint create --name $privateEndpointName --resource-group $resourceGroup --vnet-name $vnetName --subnet $subnetName --private-connection-resource-id "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$storageAccount" --group-id web --connection-name $privateEndpointName --location $location

Disable public access to the storage account except for your ip

$resourceGroup = "myResourceGroup"
$storageAccount = "mystorageaccount"
$ipAddress = "myIpAddress"
az storage account update --name $storageAccount --resource-group $resourceGroup --bypass "AzureServices,Logging,Metrics" --default-action Deny
az storage account network-rule add --account-name $storageAccount --resource-group $resourceGroup --ip-address $ipAddress

Assign the Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the managed identity of the Azure ARC-enabled server

$resourceGroup = "myResourceGroup"
$storageAccount = "mystorageaccount"
$serverName = "myserver"
$managedIdentity = az resource show --resource-group $resourceGroup --name $serverName --resource-type "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines" --query "identity.principalId" --output tsv
az role assignment create --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" --assignee-object-id $managedIdentity --scope "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/$resourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$storageAccount"

Download azcopy, install it and copy something to $web in the storage account

Download azcopy in the vm

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile

Expand-Archive -DestinationPath $env:ProgramFiles

$env:Path += ";$env:ProgramFiles\azcopy"

Copy something to $web in the storage account

$storageAccount = "mystorageaccount"
$source = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\myFile.txt"
$destination = "https://$\$web/myFile.txt"
azcopy login --identity
azcopy copy $source $destination

Now you can check the file in the static website of the storage account.